Practical Implications of Using Real-World Evidence in Comparative Effectiveness Research: Learnings from IMI-GetReal
Makady A, Stegenga H, Ciaglia A, Debray TPA, Lees M, Happich M, Ryll B, Abrams K, Thwaites R, Garner S, Jonsson P, Goettsch W, on behalf of GetReal Work Packages 1 & 4

In light of increasing attention towards the use of Real-World Evidence (RWE) in decision making in recent years, this commentary aims to reflect on the experiences gained in accessing and using RWE for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) as part of the Innovative Medicines Initiative GetReal Consortium (IMI-GetReal) and discuss their implications for RWE use in decision-making. For the purposes of this commentary, we define RWE as evidence generated based on health data collected outside the context of RCTs. Meanwhile, we define Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) as the conduct and/or synthesis of research comparing different benefits and harms of alternative interventions and strategies to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor health conditions in routine clinical practice (i.e. the real-world setting). The equivalent term for CER as used in the European context of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and decision making is Relative Effectiveness Assessment (REA).